Functions can be called by FVWM through various parts of the config. They are usually loaded during the first time run (Init).
Actions that can be triggered by hitting a key (or key combination) or mouse buttons, such as minimize, maximize, close button, and win focus.
A Decor is a collection of configurations for the looks of the windows.
A Colorset is a collection of colors: foreground (fg), background (bg), hilight (hi), and shade (sh).
Modules are bits of software (programs and actions) launched from within FVWM using the Module command to add more functionality and versatility to the Desktop.
Menus are lists you can pop up from a binding or hook to a start menu on a panel.
Additional configs and other useful scripts and apps for the Fvwm configuration.
Tiling window manager Here is some interesting news. Been searching for this for a long.
Tiling places windows on the screen into mutually non-overlapping frames, as opposed to the more common approach of coordinate-based stacking of overlapping objects (windows) that tries to fully emulate the desktop metaphor.
## NsCDE does tiling nicely both vertically and horizontally.
FvwmRearrange -tile $0 -r -mn 3 -maximize 0 0 $[wa.width]p $[wa.height]p
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